Translating CMIP3 to CMIP5 ========================== The script ``translate_cmip3`` converts the CMIP3 archive into a form as close to the DRS specification as possible. This transformation involves both filename and directory structure changes. From the command's help message:: Usage: translate_cmip3 [options] cmip3_root cmip5_root Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INCLUDE, --include=INCLUDE Include paths matching INCLUDE regular expression -e EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE Exclude paths matching EXCLUDE regular expression -c, --copy Copy rather than move files -d, --dryrun Emit log messages but don't translate anything -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL Set logging level Example ------- The drslib.cmip3 module implements a similar API to drslib.cmip5 thus allowing CMIP3 paths to be converted to DRS instances then converted into CMIP5 DRS format. >>> from drslib import cmip3 >>> cmip3_trans = cmip3.make_translator('cmip3') >>> drs3 = cmip3_trans.filepath_to_drs('cmip3/20c3m/atm/da/rsus/gfdl_cm2_0/run1/') >>> drs3 >>> cmip5_trans.drs_to_filepath(drs3) '' CMIP3 DRS components -------------------- The CMIP3 activity is ``cmip3`` and all datasets are given the product ``output``. The version component is always ``v1``. Translation of the other DRS components for CMIP3 are described below. Institute & Model ''''''''''''''''' Institutes and models given in capital letters and underscores are converted to dash characters. Capitalisation is chosen to be consistent with the examples given in sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the DRS specification and dashes are used to avoid ambiguity in DRS filenames that use underscores as the component separator. Where the exact encoding is not trivial the syntax used by the IPCC Data Distribution Centre [DDC]_ is used. .. [DDC] ================= ========= ===== CMIP3 directory Institute Model ----------------- --------- ----- bcc_cm1 CMA BCC-CM1 bccr_bcm2_0 BCCR BCM2 cccma_cgcm3_1 CCCMA CGCM3-1-T47 cccma_cgcm3_1_t63 CCCMA GCM3-1-T63 cnrm_cm3 CNRM M3 miub_echo_g MIUB-KMA CHO-G csiro_mk3_0 CSIRO K3 csiro_mk3_5 CSIRO K3-5 gfdl_cm2_0 GFDL M2 gfdl_cm2_1 GFDL M2-1 inmcm3_0 INM M3 ipsl_cm4 IPSL M4 iap_fgoals1_0_g LASG GOALS-G1-0 mpi_echam5 MPIM CHAM5 mri_cgcm2_3_2a MRI GCM2-3-2 giss_aom NASA ISS-AOM giss_model_e_h NASA ISS-EH giss_model_e_r NASA ISS-ER ncar_ccsm3_0 NCAR CSM3 ncar_pcm1 NCAR CM miroc3_2_hires NIES IROC3-2-HI miroc3_2_medres NIES IROC3-2-MED ukmo_hadcm3 UKMO ADCM3 ukmo_hadgem1 UKMO ADGEM1 ingv_echam4 INGV CHAM4 ================= ========= ===== Experiment '''''''''' The experiment component remains unchanged from the CMIP3 archive structure except that it's position in the tree changes to match the DRS specification. Frequency ''''''''' The CMIP3 frequency specifiers are translated into those described in the DRS specification as follows: ===== === CMIP3 DRS ----- --- yr yr mo mon da day 3h 3hr fixed fx ===== === Modelling-realm ''''''''''''''' We map CMIP3 realms onto equivilent CMIP5 realms. In some cases this mapping also depends on the variable. This mapping is defined in the table below: =========== ======== ========= CMIP3 realm Variable DRS realm ----------- -------- --------- atm mrsos land atm trsult aerosol atm trsul aerosol atm tro3 atmosChem atm ``*`` atmos ice ``*`` seaIce land sftgif landIce land ``*`` land ocn ``*`` ocean =========== ======== ========= Variable name ''''''''''''' Variable names are left unchanged. Ensemble member ''''''''''''''' The encoding ``run`` is translated into ``r``. Subset and extended path '''''''''''''''''''''''' Although most filenames in the CMIP3 archive follow a consistent syntax there are enough exceptions to make complete adherence to the DRS specification impractical. Instead ``translate_cmip3`` attempts to extract the variable, MIP table name from the CMIP3 path and constructs an approximate DRS filename of the form:: where ```` is the unparsed portion of the filename that may contain a temporal subset or may be irregular. Some examples are given below::: /20c3m/atm/da/rsus/gfdl_cm2_0/run1/ --> /1pctto2x/atm/mo/rlftoaa_co2/ipsl_cm4/run1/ --> /2xco2/land/fixed/orog/miroc3_2_hires/run1/ --> /sresa1b/atm/mo/rlut/cccma_cgcm3_1/run4/ -->